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INQUIRYFRÅGOR som är bra att börja med.

Huvudspråket för Inquiry är engelska. Frågorna är ibland svåra att översätta.

Använd det språk du är mest bekväm med utan att andemeningen går förlorad. 

PRESENCE; 3 questions:

  1. Tell me a way you avoid being present?

  2. Tell me what is right about not being present?

  3. Tell me a way you experience being present?


Time: 10 min each on each question (=60 min)

Alternative inq on PRESENCE; 3 questions:

  1. Tell me something you are experiencing right now?

  2. Tell me something that limits your presence right now?

  3. Tell me a way you experience being present right now?

Time: 10 min each on each question (=60 min)

CHANGE, 2 questions:

  1. Tell me a way you keep things the same?

  2. Tell me a way you experience change?


Time: 10 min each, on each question. (=40 min)

DESIRES, 3 questions:

  1. Tell me a way you feel when you want something?

  2. Tell me how you feel when you don’t get what you want?

  3. Tell me how you feel when you get what you want?

Time: 10 min each (= 60 min.)

KNOWING; 2 questions:

  1. Tell me what is right about believing that you know?

  2. Tell me a way you experience openness?


Time: 10 min each (=40 min)

One more Inq on KNOWING; 2 questions:

  1. Tell me what is right about holding on to the known?

  2. Tell me something you know that you don’t know?


Time: 10 min each (=40 min) 


   1. Tell me a way you do not embrace life?

   2. Tell me a way you embrace life?

   3. Tell me something you experience right now.

JUDGING OTHERS, 3 questions:

   1. Tell me when you judge and blame others?

   2. Tell me how you feel when you judge and blame others?

   3. Are you ready to accept others exactly as they are? (Svaret kan variera när du utforskar frågan! Answer may vary; yes? No? Why? When?)

Tidsram / Time: 10 min each, on each question (=60 min) or use revolving technique, 15 min each question (=45 min).

JUDGING YOUR SELF, 3 questions:


   1. Tell me when you judge and blame your self?

   2. Tell me how you feel when you judge and blame your self?

   3. Are you ready to accept yourself exactly as you are? (Answer may vary; yes? No? Why? When?)


Time: 10 min each, on each question (=60 min) or use revolving technique, 15 min each question (=45 min).


1 or 2 questions (can be done separately or together)

   1. Tell me where you are right now?

   2. Tell me a way you sense your self right now?

Time: 10 min each, on each question. (=20 min if you do one question, 40 min if you do both)

GROWTH, 1 question:

   1. Tell me about your own growth and development?

Time: 15 min each (30 min)


Fler Inquiryfrågor HÄR och HÄR   More Inquiries HERE and HERE

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