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SHAME; 2 questions:

   1.Tell me; what makes you ashamed and how do you sense this in your body?

Use the Revolving technique for this question, 10-15 min

   2. Look at your history of Shame from childhood till today. Tell me; how did your family relate to this emotion and how does it affect your life today?

Spend at least 15 min each, exploring this issue.

Full inquiry = 45 min



SUPER-EGO; 2 questions.

"Should" and "shouldn't"  is the condemning language of your superego. If you are not familiar with the term it is good to Google it before attempting this Inq.

  1. Tell me what you ”should”?

   2. Tell me what you ”shouldn’t”?

Time: 10 min each question, + perhaps a short discussion on the topic at the end = 50 min.


  1. Tell me; what do you feel pressure about?

  2. Tell me; how does expectations and pressure feel in your body?

  3. Tell me; how do you limit yourself and how do you create boundaries?    (Make sure you really answer the question: HOW do you do it? It is in your body, you can sense it. Limitations and boundaries feels quite different!)

Time: 10 min each question = 60 min.

JEALOUSY: 2 questions

This is strong medicine. Stay as present as you can, be truthful, include everything and keep your curious eye open with a friendly intention!

  1. Tell me; when do you experience jealousy?

  2. Tell me; how do you experience jealousy?

Time: 10 min each question = 40 min.

You may find it fruitful to end with a short discussion on the subject and what came up for you. Don’t rush straight into anything important after this Inq; it is good to integrate it a bit.

HELP AND NEEDYNESS; 2 questions:

  1. Tell me how you feel about Help? Include all aspects: giving, receiving, other people, ourself etc.

  2. Tell me what is needyness for you?

Use the Revolving technique; 15 min each question = 30 min.

IDENTITY-BLOCKS and BELEIF; 2 questions:

  1. Tell me what Identity you are attached to: Victim, Helper, Rescuer, Saviour, Inner Child, Helpless Child or Protector? Explore!

  2. Tell me; WHY and HOW are you shrinking yourself?

10 min each question = 40 min

As we go deeper into Inquiry it is good to remember that the Ego-structures you might encounter are not there to mess things up for us; they have served as a protection and has actually helped us, even if that help is not helpful anymore. 

Without a friendly attitude the Ego will only keep doing its job even more effectively. It is not an enemy, it has helped you to be exactly where you are. It has tried to serve you, but perhaps it is now outdated and you long for a different kind of awareness? Find out, without beating yourself up, and accept any truth revealed.

Remember to breathe into whatever you find. Breath supports consciousness.

In this section some Inquiries are suggested to end with a short discussion (and even in the form of feedback for one question, on ”Gratitude and Greed”). Remember to ONLY talk about your own experience! Don’t try to ”help” your partner, refrain from criticism or ”good advice”. You can always refer to your own experience when listening to someone else; ”When listening to my partner I feel…” or ”In me the topic raises the feeling of…” 

Some more advanced INQUIRIES


  1. Tell me; how do you empower yourself in relationships?

  2. Tell me; how do you experience disempowerment?

10 min each question = 40 min

MONEY; 3 questions.

This can be explored repeatedly; it goes very deep.

  1. Tell me what money represents to you?

  2. Tell me what scares you about money?

  3. Tell me; what are you afraid of losing?

10 min each question = 60 min.

You can also try the revolving technique; this may bring out new angles.

A short discussion in the end may be good.

FIGHTING and CONFLICTS; 3 questions:

  1. Tell me; what are you fighting for?

  2. Tell me; what are you fighting against?

  3. Tell me; what is the fight about?

10 min each question = 60 min

GRATITUDE and GREED; 2 questions:

1, Tell me; what is ”MINE”? How does this exploration make you feel?

2. Tell me; what is Gratitude? How does that make you feel?

10 min each question + a short feedback and discussion.


1. Tell me what you can perceive right now?

Revolving question for as long as you like!




There are many more questions to work with, and if you would like more Inquiries don’t hesitate to contact us. We can also provide insights in how to link these questions to different aspects of what is called ”Essence-work” and the deep issues that can be adressed when our inner container of awareness is resourceful enough.

It is also good to return to the above questions with different partners and at different times in your life. The questions continue to work and surprise and is not ”answered” just because you worked with them once: there is no answer to these questions.

The Inquiry work is about creating a little distance to your identifications. This is a gradual happening. When you have prepared the ground, the inner work will be a true joy and you will have the capacity to face your issues from less identification.

If you get stuck we may have alternative Inquiries to unlock whatever is stuck.


Let us  know if we can be of help!

Huvudspråket för Inquiry är Engelska och därför har vi valt att  på denna sida hålla oss till det. 

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